Course curriculum

    1. Welcome & Course Instructions

    2. Meet Barbara Robertson!

    1. Learner Objectives for Module 1

    2. 1.1 Benefits of Breastfeeding

    3. 1.2 Rules of Breastfeeding

    4. 1.3 Breast Anatomy & Physiology

    5. Notes for Breast Anatomy & Physiology

    6. 1.4 What's in breastmilk?

    7. Exercise

    8. Resources

    1. Learner Objectives for Module 2

    2. 2.1 Birth & Immediate Postpartum Interventions

    3. Notes for Birthing Interventions Power Point

    4. 2.2 Birth Videos

    5. Exercise

    6. Resources

    1. Learner Objectives for Module 3

    2. 3.1 Skin to Skin: What you should know

    3. Exercise

    4. Resources

    1. Learner Objectives for Module 4

    2. 4.1 How do you know baby is getting enough milk and colostrum?

    3. 4.2 Some Useful Charts for Infant Feeding

    4. Exercise

    5. Resources

    1. Learner Objectives for Module 5

    2. 5.1 How to Help with Latching & Positioning

    3. 5.2 Latching Videos

    4. Exercise

    5. Resources

About this course

  • Free
  • 41 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content